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Configure modules.xml


This file is located in /etc/ensuite/yencap/modules.xml


This file contains the set of modules to be instantiated by YencaP. If a module is described by a Yang module then the following infos are needed :

else the description of a module is a bit more complex:

YencaP uses this file to instantiate the module objects. The single rule is that a module class and the python filename of the module must both be called {name}_Module. In that way, the YencaP core does not need any update to manage a new module. The code is able to instantiate module objects from their class name.

Below is an example of the modules.xml file with a Yang compliant module Interface and a not Yang compliant module for BGP.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF&-;8"?>
<modules xmlns:ycp="urn:loria:madynes:ensuite:yencap:1.0">
