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Asterisk Module

Asterisk is a software PBX. It has a lot of text configuration files. This module gives an XML representation of them and allows remote modification of it through Netconf. The Astersik module is bound to the "urn:loria:madynes:ensuite:yencap:module:Asterisk:1.0" namespace.

<!-- WARNING. The following XML syntax for Asterisk is out-of-date. -->
<asterisk xmlns="urn:loria:madynes:ensuite:yencap:module:Asterisk:1.0">
  <file name="asterisk.conf">
     <section  name="global"/>
      <attribute name="astetcdir">/etc/asterisk</attribute>
  <file name="sip.conf">
    <section name="general">
      <attribute name="context">netconf</attribute>